LilypieLilypie - Personal picture

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Riding the tractor with Papaw

I can drive this tractor with my eyes closed!!! How about you papaw!

Visiting My Great Memaw

What's Up! Just Chillin with Great Memaw!
Great Memaw with her Great Grandbabies: Riley Grace & McKenzie
Keegan, Kristy, Riley Grace, Memaw, Me & Mommy!

Lunch at Scott's Crossroads after Church

It looks like I am picking my nose if I am my Uncle JJ taught me that!
And this is my Great Mowmaw! She loves holding me and saying how I sweet I am!
We got to see my Great Aunt Sandra! She loves spoiling me!

Four Month Old

Slacker 101

Well as my sister in law states I am a slacker. Man this is harder that I thought to try to keep everyone up to date when time is flying by so quick.
Well McKenzie will be 7 months old on April 10th this Friday! So I have a lot of updating to do. So please be patient as I try to recap the last couple of month.