LilypieLilypie - Personal picture

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just to let you know...

Well I am not really good at this blogging thing but I am gonna try. My brother and sister-in-law are moving to Nashville soon and I don't won't them to miss a think in McKenzie's life. Well I will start with her being 3 months of yesterday. I will post her 3 month photo later. She is sleeping throught the night. Eating about 6 to 8 ounces of formula at each feeding. I have tried rice cereal but not sure if she is getting the hang of it yet.

McKenzie is staying with my mom (her Nanaw) for now until the first of the year.(maybe) Still undecided about taking her to daycare. She loves to go shopping with her nanaw and great aunt Nina Gail. She is cooing and really alert now she loves to play and exercise with her papaw in the mornings before he goes to work.

Sunday, McKenzie got to see Santa and get her picture taken with him. She told Santa what she wanted but only her and Santa know what it is. I am almost finished with my Christmas shopping but still have just a few to shop for. Well I will post some more pictures of McKenize later . Gotta go

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