LilypieLilypie - Personal picture

Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's My Birthday

Well today McKenzie turned one. It is a sad and also happy time today. As I dropped her off at daycare this morning everyone greeted her with Happy Birthday! Which I sung Happy Birthday to her all the way to daycare so when she heard the words she would just grin. Then on my way to work I just cried and just was pondered on her first year and just how fast it went by.

I went back to daycare around 1:30 today and took cupcakes and took a few pictures on her and all her friends at daycare. Jessica& Emily met me there because I left my camera at home and Jessica had one on her. I will post those pics tomorrow at work.

Nanaw picked McKenzie up and met Papaw at Enid to go to Oxford. Dad had a doctors appointment and that would be the only time he would get to see McKenzie because he had to work late tonight. They went to eat at Captain D's and Mom said she was just a waving at everyone and giving them her silly smile. Also, she ate all of papaw's green beans. Once Nanaw and McKenzie got home we celebrated some more.

I got a balloon and I just loved it.

Then Momma and Daddy got me a tierra to wear on my birthday! Just like a Princess!

Then we opened presents!!!!Th

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