LilypieLilypie - Personal picture

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My baby is almost ONE!!!!!!

Man time flies when you're having fun. McKenzie is growing up so fast. She is walking and getting into everything now. I know I have been slacking on the updates but I will try to do better.

Sunday McKenzie, Nanaw, Mom, Aunt Joy and Levi went to the movies and saw Aliens in the Attic, cute movie. My little girl did so good. She watched the whole movie with a few seat changes but all in all she did so good. She would wave at the screen (I think this is from talking to her uncle JJ on the computer) and then look at us and just smile with excitement.

Thursday will be McKenzie's first birthday, we will have a party at the Roller World on Sept. the 20th from 3-5. I will post pics of that for sure. This weekend Haley will be getting married and we are looking forward to being there. We love Haley and wish her the best. Well I guess I am gonna get off of here. McKenzie is in the bed asleep and I will soon follow.

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