LilypieLilypie - Personal picture

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Emergency Room

Well Sunday night about 10:20pm we headed to Oxford to the ER. Mckenzie was screaming in pain and no one could calm her. She cried all the way there and once we got checked in she calmed down. She was not feeling well at all. Well we arrived about 11 pm and jeff and I made it home about 4:30am that morning. McKenzie had severe gas from some medicine she was taking and she was just hurting. Since Sunday from about 6pm that night she hasn't run anymore fever. Momma called me yesterday afternoon and said that since 2:30pm on Monday that Mckenzie has been playing and hasn't had any outburst of crying. I am so thankful she is feeling better. She played all night and seems to be doing better. We go to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully her ear infection is improving. She is suppose to get shots too but we will see.

She has spoiled me so much too. she is such a good baby and this is probably the first time that she has really been sick with high fever. I am so blessed. Well Uncle JJ is going to keep Kenzie this afternoon bc mom has to go somewhere today. So I am hoping that they will have a great time together.

1 comment:

Audrey and Daniel said...

Aww. I hope Mckenzie will feel better soon. I know it scared ya'll to death!